Healing occurs by energetically being and supporting the oneness of the spirit we were meant to be. It supports us to release those parts that separate us from this.

Healing… Consciousness… is a way of life for me…
A path I’ve chosen…
This wasn’t always the case…
What’s this mean?
Well, for years I chose blindness… consciously or not,
Ignoring the full power of whom I was meant to be…
Ignoring the messages my body was sending me when I was sick or hurt…
Ignoring the messages my being was whispering, when I felt depressed or stuck, or fearful,
Believing it normal, when the messages in my head were far from gentle and compassionate towards myself…
They were harsh and judgmental…
Thinking I could control my life by pushing down the pain, the dissatisfaction, the frustration…
But in fact it only gave it more power… and took so much of my energy to keep doing it.

One day, in a moment of clarity, I realized that everything
that existed or happened in my life,
Was a direct mirror of what was going on inside of me…
And if I didn’t like it, I could change it…
But only by choosing to change what was going on inside of me…
That the work was from the inside out.
It became clear that if I really wanted to affect change in our world in a profoundly deep way…
First and foremost, it required for me to heal and receive myself and my immediate world.

About this time is when healing came into my life…
And with this, my first teacher, Emanuella Levin,
and then a few years after this, Freddie Tal…
Two amazing souls,
Two powerful teachers… gifts… that I am grateful for.
Emanuella became one of three teachers in the world of VortexHealing
and wanted to pass the gift on to her students…
and thus I also became a Vortex healer.

Today as an ever evolving being, Access Consciousness has come into my life.

I am ever grateful to Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer for all this modality has contributed to my life and the world and I primarily use the tools of Access Consciousness in my life and work. What else is possible?

The more that we clear our own issues or judgements,
the more light and energy and possibilities will flow through us…
touching others, consciously or even unconsciously…
Like ripples from a pebble tossed into a pool radiate outwards…

It’s the art of opening ourselves, energetically on all levels and possibilities,
so that we are freeflowing energy channels of the universe,
in a harmonious dance of gifting and receiving energy.
The more powerfully clear that we are,
the more powerful the current that comes thru us, and consequently to others, and will add more light to the entire energetic web that we are all connected to…
We are ONE.

As healer, I become a channel for universal energies and consciousness that flow thru me with the highest intentions for supporting those who wish to receive, release, or heal…
Supporting them to awaken places that have been unconscious, and bring them up to a conscious level…
Awakening places they have been blind to.

Healing occurs by energetically being and supporting the oneness of the spirit we were meant to be.
It supports us to release those parts that separate us from this.